Video index
1. Call to Order
3.1 Adopt the Agenda
4.1 Election of Chair
4.2 Election of Vice Chair
4.3 Appointment of TLN
4.4 Appointment of FRN
4.5 Appointment of Ethics Committee
4.6 Appointment of Two Sick Leave Trustees - Two WCEA Members and Two Board Members
5.1 Melissa Lynn - WCHS Golf - Ava Graham
5.2 Bonnie Hoiman - MJHS FFA - Isabella Free - Agriscience Fair ENR National Finalist
6. Statements from Guest/Delegations/Speakers
7.1 Approve Consent Agenda
8.1 Report from County Attorney
9.1 Director's Report
10.1 Recommendation to Approve BOXX Modular
10.2 Recommendation to Approve on First and Final Reading Policy 4.407
10.3 Recommendation to Approve RFP for Medical, Dental and Vision
10.4 Recommendation to Approve RFP for Supplemental and Flex
10.5 Recommendation to Approve WCEA Members for Sick Bank
10.6 Recommendation to Approve #2025-02 Budget Amendment
10.7 Recommendation to Approve TSBA School of the Year Application
10.8 Recommendation to Approve School Meal Charge Policy Change
10.9 Recommendation to Approve Right-of-Way, Utility Easement and Temporary Construction Easement
12.2 Beth Meyers - Ethics Policy, Policy Committee, Employee Social Media Policy
13. Communications from the Board
Sep 04, 2024 Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
3.1 Adopt the Agenda
4.1 Election of Chair
4.2 Election of Vice Chair
4.3 Appointment of TLN
4.4 Appointment of FRN
4.5 Appointment of Ethics Committee
4.6 Appointment of Two Sick Leave Trustees - Two WCEA Members and Two Board Members
5.1 Melissa Lynn - WCHS Golf - Ava Graham
5.2 Bonnie Hoiman - MJHS FFA - Isabella Free - Agriscience Fair ENR National Finalist
6. Statements from Guest/Delegations/Speakers
7.1 Approve Consent Agenda
8.1 Report from County Attorney
9.1 Director's Report
10.1 Recommendation to Approve BOXX Modular
10.2 Recommendation to Approve on First and Final Reading Policy 4.407
10.3 Recommendation to Approve RFP for Medical, Dental and Vision
10.4 Recommendation to Approve RFP for Supplemental and Flex
10.5 Recommendation to Approve WCEA Members for Sick Bank
10.6 Recommendation to Approve #2025-02 Budget Amendment
10.7 Recommendation to Approve TSBA School of the Year Application
10.8 Recommendation to Approve School Meal Charge Policy Change
10.9 Recommendation to Approve Right-of-Way, Utility Easement and Temporary Construction Easement
12.2 Beth Meyers - Ethics Policy, Policy Committee, Employee Social Media Policy
13. Communications from the Board
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